Natural gas works in service of Rhode Island. The Ocean State thrives on real estate, health care, financial and insurance services, and with almost all in-state electricity generation fueled by natural gas, it’s an industry that understands reliability is key.
Natural gas also employs over 7,000 in the state – both directly and in induced jobs – hardworking people who serve over 260,000 customers and who contribute over $1 billion to the state economy. Though it may be small in size, Rhode Island lacks nothing for power.
More infrastructure would safeguard Rhode Island residents.
Rhode Island’s natural gas consumption is steady and 95 percent of power generation comes from power plants fired by natural gas. For all state residents who depend on this power grid, in addition to the 226,000 residential customers who heat their homes with natural gas, reliability is key.
Expansion and diversification of Rhode Island’s natural gas supply will allow it to continue growing in proportion with an expanding population and continue ensuring reliable service. When energy is more available, affordable and reliable, more goods are produced, more jobs are created, more tax revenue is generated, and Rhode Island can rest easier.
Rhode Island profits from natural gas utilization.
The natural gas industry provides $1 billion in value-add to the Rhode Island economy, offering benefits beyond energy, in the form of employment, income, and stability for families.
Last year, natural gas created jobs – both direct and induced – for over 7,000 residents, within sectors that include distribution, industrial equipment and machinery repair and maintenance, and oil and gas pipeline construction. As the state looks forward, Rhode Island has every opportunity to continue expanding infrastructure and availability throughout the state. Rhode Island is primed to reap the benefits of natural gas for generations to come.
Natural gas helps protect Rhode Island’s environment.
Keeping the Ocean State clean, green and healthy is everyone’s priority. Natural gas can dramatically reduce the emissions of harmful pollutants into the atmosphere. For example, when used to generate electricity, natural gas produces half the CO2 emissions of coal. As the use of natural gas by electricity-generating plants has increased, power sector CO2 emission levels are at their lowest levels in nearly 30 years.
In fact, natural gas can have such a profound impact on emissions that the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported that switching to natural gas accounted for almost two-thirds of the CO2 emission reductions from 2006 to 2014. And the environmental benefits associated with natural gas go well beyond CO2 reductions. Greater use of natural gas in power generation will also reduce NOx, SO2, PM, acid gasses, Hg and non-Hg heavy metal emissions. Natural gas is helping to keep Rhode Island families enjoying the state’s 400 miles of pristine coastline and 15 scenic state parks.